This Book “The Harvard Effect” by LES BROWN Jr. Will Help You Reach Your Goals!

Tell our readers who is Les Brown Jr.?

I am the CEO of Brown Honor Inc. A company named after my biggest inspiration. My 5 year old son, Honor. When he was born, my life was changed forever. I hit the parent jackpot. My Mother and Father were both powerful influential individuals. I am determined to build a company for my son so that he grows up having all of the opportunities and privileges that I grew up with. I am training him to be a motivational speaker and he’s only 5 years old. I started speaking at the age of 10 and by the time I was 14 I became the highest paid teen speaker in America. My son Honor is going to break my record.

What was the inspiration behind writing your new book?

I had the pleasure of speaking at Harvard University and as I planned for my speech I realized that I had to take my message to another level. Harvard is packed with the brightest minds from around the world. Of Course I was up for the challenge because I got an Ivy league education in personal growth. I’ve had over 1 Million dollars invested in attending seminars and workshops with some of the most successful people alive today. I came up with a speech at Harvard that was so impactful even my Dad Les Brown was shocked at how relevant and impactful the content was. I gave my all in that speech. we decided that it would be best not to just share it at Ivy league institutions but to share it with the entire world. That is how the book was born. Taking the best of what I have learned in more than two decades and putting in a digestible form so that people can move with a since of urgency toward their destinies.

What is your favorite quote from the book?

My favorite quote from the book has to be centered around the difference between a legacy and a dynasty. When creating generational wealth, keep in mind that “A legacy is all about how you want to be remembered, but a dynasty is all about why you will never be forgotten.”

Tell us about how you are helping other Entrepreneurs?

I help Entrepreneurs by teaching them how to raise capital for their businesses. One of my mentors, Berny Dohrman has raised over a billion dollars for private companies so that they have the resources to compete in the market place. CEO SPACE International was named by Forbes the number one entrepreneur networking organization in America in 2018. I’m proud to be a member of this group and 5 times a year top entrepreneurs come together for 10 days and we work together to grow each others businesses. I attribute much of my business sense and financial success to the relationships I’ve gained and the knowledge that I’ve applied from Berny and September Dhorman and my entire CEO Space Family.

 What’s NEXT and where can your Fans follow you?

Next for me is to launch a year long leadership training titled: It’s Not Over Until You Win. Named after a quote I coined when I was just 9 years old. My Dad ended using that title for his most popular speech in the Georgia Dome before 80,000 people. But I agree with Mark Zuckerberg who said “People don’t care what you say, they care about what you build.” In this leadership program we are going to teach servant leaders how to build organizations that have what Warren Buffet calls “A durable competitive advantage.” Something that is relevant for today but built to be timeless.

Fans can find me on or on Instagram: Lesbrownjr. On my Instagram page, you will find a link to download a sneak peak of my book that I’m doing together with my dad titled “It’s Your Time”. Or you can check out my website.

What is your #1 message to upcoming Speakers?

Don’t start tooting your horn before you even have a steering wheel. Many speakers think that they are great because they get a lot of compliments from untrained ears and people who would never write them a check. Keep working on your craft everyday. Develop a daily discipline like an athlete. Don’t just think that because you have a compelling story that you will have a lucrative career. The personal growth industry generates an average of $12 billion annually in the United States and over $64 Billion globally. The top 5000 US speaker earn an average of 1.2 Billion dollars a year. It’s not going to be easy. It takes business savvy. It takes financial resources to build a profitable brand that can last the test of time. It’s not easy. It may not be manual labor but it takes mental labor. But if you are truly passionate about making a difference in the world and serving people with a unique message. It will be more than worth it!




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