Latest Interview With Multi Talented KATHERINE APPELLO

Ms Appello is an Italian American writer and coach, multilingual with skills also in Italian and Spanish. Her childhood was in NJ, but lived most of her life in NY. She was a Teaching Assistant in the field of ESL until Fibromyalgia turned things upside down. As she has worked through transitions in her own life, she seeks to help others do the same.

Q: KATHERINE APPELLO, You are a famous Life Coach helping a lot of people around the world.Tell us a bit how it all started?

I taught ESL for a number of years, and enjoyed teaching, impacting lives, but then fibromyalgia hit hard and changes had to be made. Since I wanted to continue to impact lives, navigating my own wellness journey, the concept of a virtual wellness platform came into play. That is how kany-coaching was born.

Q:Do you work online as well? What services do you offer?

Currently, the focus is to create an online platform of resources, including videos, ebooks and more, related to holistic wellness. Live events will be coming in the late 2022 or early 2023.

Q: What is your vision?

My vision is create the most impacting for the greater good holistic online center and platform, to bring wellness as much of society as possible.

Q: What is the best thing you have ever heard from a client?

I have been thanked for providing clarity, which is important in our lives, and that for me is a great gift, that I can provide a client who is in a period of uncertainly, struggle etc… clarity and focus.

Q: What experience do you offer to your clients?

The blog offers insight into an array of personal development and
wellness. The blog offers very general insights into these areas, while the full membership allows access to numerous resources that one can return to anytime they have a need for clarity, for wellness tools.

Q: How do you manage work and everyday life? How is a typical day?

A typical day involves researching tools and resources, preparing material for future live events, meditating, exercising, running any errands, watching some of my favorite programs, communicating with friends, family.

Q: What do you help people dealing with?

The main thing I hope to bring to people’s lives is an awareness of how they can live healthier lives on all levels, as well as to have emotional and spiritual clarity. That is crucial in our lives, lesson I have learned in navigating my fibromyaliga.

Q: What would you advise people that suffer from stress?

Take time out for you, find something you can enjoy and do it, even walking in the park in the afternoon, light exercise, get clarity. It is important to not make decisions under stress, emotional tensions.

Q: What do you love the most about your profession?

Impacting lives and society for the better, that brings a smile to my face every day.

Q: How can someone find you?

You can find out a lot from my website, blog about the business from My goal is to create a top notch wellness virtual center and platform.

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