7 Simple Self-Care Tips To Better Manage Your Health

Are you feeling a little run down? Struggling to find time to integrate self-care into your diary? Fortunately, there are many simple self-care tips you can follow that can have a significant benefit for your health. As little as one-minute through to 30 minutes of self-care a day can have a tremendous impact on your health. Read on to find out how these self-care tips can build up a healthier you over time.

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1. Look After Damaged Hair

There are different hair breakage causes that you can address for better hair health. Common reasons for damaged hair include dryness, exposure to heat, over-coloring, not paying attention to curls, and over-washing. You may consider using products that better nourish the hair, or taking steps to better manage your health, like better hydration or heat protection. Glossy and healthy hair can be a form of self-care as it can make you feel positive. 

Turning up and looking after the person you present to the world can be a proactive form of self-care. It could take different formats, like looking after damaged hair, putting on makeup or even getting dressed in the morning.

2. Assess Why You Are Stressed

Taking the time to understand reasons for stress can help you better manage your feelings. Why are you feeling stressed? Sit down quietly for fifteen minutes and try to evaluate your emotions and what has caused you to feel this way. This simple self-care tip is the vital first step in making the time to destress and unwind. You don’t have to understand the full scale of your emotions, but understanding your stress-triggers can help you improve your reactions to stress.

3. Go For A Walk Outside

Going for a walk outside replenishes the brain with oxygen, which can help you with better decision making and concentration. Being in nature can also help reduce our stress levels and heart rates, making us calmer, and reducing muscle tension, and over the long-term reducing our chances of chronic health concerns. Go out for a brief 15 minute walk to enjoy the beauty of being around nature and reduced health risks.

4. Zone Out For An Episode Or Film

Are you trying to distract your brain from what’s going on around you? Simply pop on an engaging episode or film and let your brain wander for a bit. Avoid the temptation to start a Netflix binge, but instead enjoy an episode or film so you can come back to the previous issues with a refreshed sense of perspective. 

5. Clear Out The Clutter

A cluttered environment can lead to stress and lower self-control, especially when you look at managing relationships with things like food. Spend 20 minutes cleaning out your fridge and listing the items you have in the cupboards. The same applies to spending as well. If you clear out the clutter in your wardrobe you’re more likely to be aware of the items you do have, so you don’t spend money on an item you don’t need.

6. Exercise While Watching TV

If you can’t bring yourself to go for a 30-minute run or go to the gym, try to exercise in front of a distraction, like the TV. Less than an hour of resistance training (think weight-lifting) resulted in a 30% drop in the risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes. While you’re watching your favorite show, take 30 minutes to lift some five pound weights and see your health improve significantly. You can even integrate it into listening to a podcast or other passive activities that can be enhanced by lifting weights.

7. Create A Sunshine Folder Or Journal

Did anything make you smile over the course of the day? Did someone give you positive feedback at work? Create a sunshine folder or journal so that you can look at the things that brought you joy and remember that positive feeling. You can spend a minute looking at it if that’s all you have time for, but you’ll be surprised at the positive emotions that a sunshine folder can help release.

Final Thoughts

Improving your health and starting self-care happens one small step at a time. It might be taking a fifteen-minute walk at lunch, or putting on a twenty-minute episode of your favorite show to distract you. It could mean taking the time to think through your emotions and identify sources of stress, or some simple self-care like looking after your hair or nails. These small steps can make a significant difference to our wellbeing and health if we build them up each day.

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