A well designed, fashionable bag for women is difficult to find. Every woman wants to have a highly quality fashion bag that follows her in every day and night out.

4bag is making leather bags from 100% recycled leather, for every outing and every occasion.

In our products, we include top manufacturers for women’s bag, so you have the opportunity to choose top quality bags from our store.

There, you can find more than 1000 bags and more than 600 different styles and colors in bags, so you can easily find the one which suits to your style.

Take a highly quality bag from the best European brands

The bags can’t be missed from a woman’s wardrobe. Women can use them every day, all day in every outing and to their daily liabilities, like shopping, a dinner or at their workplace.

Five years now, 4bag have a e-shop, in the address of, serving Europe and UK. Shipping costs are low and the delivery time is less than a week.

In our shop, you can find the perfect bag for any occasion with our archive of purses, handbags and cross bags shoulder bags.

Except from the woman’s bags, you can also find bags for men and teenage girls, in a lot of styles and sizes, so you can choose the one you want.

The more you visit our online store, the most products you find to discover. So keep visiting our e-shop!

Find the best brand in every bag

Apart from our own Greek handmade bags and Italian Handmade bags, you can find in our online store, many other famous brands, like:

The 5 must handbags you should all have

In our products you can find plenty of women bags that can fit in every style and use it in every part of the day. So, you’ll find handbags in many colors and sizes for the office or your date.

Spacious bag, is the most useful style of bag for every woman. How else are you going to carry your reading for your work, your mobile phone, your snack and your make up?

4 bag suggest you 5 bags that are big enough to pack all your necessary things in it.

  1. Hand bag bordeaux Greek handmamde: from recycled leather. You can find it in black, light tan, blue, green and bronze color.
  2. Greek handmade black bag, with red details from recycled leather. You can also find a Greek handmade light tan bag with red details.
  3. Greek handmade Major Beige bag: a leather beige bag, in girly style
  4. Italian handmade Black bag: a severe bag can everyone notice you
  5. Italian handmade barrel camel bag: design hand bag you can also find it in black and beige.


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